Dwayne Johnson fka The Rock fka Twigs covers August’s Esquire magazine this month. In the interview, he delivers that signature excitement and general joie de vivre that we all know and love. What does The Rock want to shine some light on this time? Oh, everything you can imagine. Anything at all!

Johnson was interviewed over Skype by writer Scott Raab. Right away Raab asks Johnson what he’s got cooked up in front of him. It is, of course, a simple plate of chicken and potatoes:

They’re cut like french fries, but they’re baked. Phenomenal. And the chicken is just a grilled chicken with a little bit of some sort of barbecue sauce.

Would he like some time to eat without being interrupted?

No, it’s fine. I’m rarely sitting and eating, so this is nice.

It is nice!

The Rock, having spent years being interviewed, has somehow avoided the fatigue of the interview experience. Of course he has. He freakin’ loves it!

It’s funny, journalists will come in and say, “Thank you so much for sitting with me; I know your day’s been so long.” I’ve got to be honest with you, we’re literally sitting here talking. It’s the easiest thing. Everything’s free, we’re at this hotel, you’ve got free food, we’re just talking about things.

We’re just talking about things. And it’s easy. But Johnson knows he’s not perfect. Does that mean he can’t try?

I never quite understood why if you’re successful in something, and then you want to make the transition to Hollywood, why wouldn’t you apply the same discipline and processes that you did with wrestling and football? Which meant: surround myself with great acting coaches; definitely get a good director; I need great actors around me to help me raise my game; I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. I need great acting coaches, I need good directors, I need help. I have been told I have potential. I think I do. Let’s give it a go. And that allows more people to say, “Okay, let’s give it a shot.” Compared to: I think I’m gonna be great. I’m gonna make 30, 40 movies.

A sweetheart, pure and true. And if there’s one thing that this man knows, it’s that he can’t do it without the love and support and foundation coming from his solid family life:

Yeah. I’ve lived with my longtime girlfriend, Lauren Hashian, going on, like, eight, nine years now. She’s a singer-songwriter. We spend a lot of time with my daughter in Florida, Simone, who’s 13. We do these stories and we talk so much about the business end, the success end, but then Lauren isn’t mentioned and my daughter isn’t mentioned. I always like making sure we find the balance and my home life is in there and Lauren Hashian is in there and my daughter is in there.

You gotta get the better half in there. With all the cool shit and success that I’ve been lucky enough to get? That doesn’t happen unless the home life is solid.

What can this man say that isn’t perfect! Where can I buy an attitude like this! At the jabroni store?

When I was a kid, it was an inside term that guys would use. When wrestlers wanted to have a private conversation when fans were present, they would start talking carny because they used to wrestle in carnivals. I thought it was so cool. Jabroni was a word that was always used in the derogatory sense. Oh, this jabroni, that jabroni. But the Iron Sheik was famous for saying the word constantly backstage.Jabroni, jabroni, jabroni. Around 1998, I thought, Why can’t I say it on TV? So I started saying it publicly, but the Iron Sheik was known for it.

My man, The Rock.

Image via Esquire. Contact the author at dayna.evans@gawker.com.