Being a PR flack isn't easy. Much of the job revolves around using Exacto knives to perfectly clip Us Weekly articles for EPKs without slitting your own wrists, shuttling celebrities from point A to point B (point A being the top of the red carpet, point B being 3 feet down the red carpet), and staying out of the camera's watchful eye themselves, all while subsisting on a diet of Diet Coke and Parliament Lights. It's no wonder most publicists have got one hell of a bitchy resting face.

But ID PR's Bryna Rifkin takes bitchiness to a whole new level when reprimanding a reporter at the premiere of her client Marion Cotillard's movie Blood Ties at this September's Toronto International Film Festival. The reporter made the rookie mistake of wanting to ask Cotillard a few questions in exchange for the publicity Cotillard pays ID a hefty monthly retainer for, god forbid. Through a clever mix of angry eyebrow wagging, a scrunched nose, and a stifling air of smug superiority, Rifkin shuts the poor journalist down in seconds. Let us take a moment to all memorize this face, so that we can use it in all social settings here on out:

Given the fact that Rifkin is the publicist for national treasure Julia Louis-Dreyfus (maybe Rifkin was the inspiration for this?), as well as Jennifer Lawrence, Ethan Hawke, and lots of other actually famous, generally lovely people, let's hope this behavior doesn't continue.

Oh who am I kidding, let's hope it does! This bitch is my new favorite type of crazy.