Awards season is almost over and soon it'll be time to spend the summer watching movies we actually enjoy. To remind everyone there's life beyond Oscar films, Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. released the first full-length trailer guaranteed summer blockbuster Godzilla and it looks awesome.

In the trailer, Bryan Cranston's character, Joe Brody, is panicked. "You're not fooling anybody when you say that what happened was a natural disaster," he cries as the world destructs. "You're lying! It was not an earthquake, it wasn't a typhoon, because what's really happening is that you're hiding something out there. And it is going to send us back to the Stone Age!"

The trailer also shows the first glimpse of director Gareth Edwards' much-anticipated monster and features crashing planes, tidal waves, and burning planes.

Godzilla, which stars Cranston, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and Elizabeth Olsen will be released on May 16.