It has been nearly a week since John Travolta introduced himself to a male stranger at the gym, where they were alone, together, at three in the morning. In that time, the photo of Travolta and an unsuspecting man has gone viral, and both Travolta and the man have had to explain exactly why Travolta approached him at the gym, where they were alone, together, at three in the morning.

For the defense, here is Travolta's explanation, as told to Access Hollywood:

"[I work out] for my health… as you get older, if you have kids that are young – I mean, my son's 4 and my daughter's 14. I should be really a grandfather, but I'm a father," John told Access at the Living Legend Aviation Awards on Friday. "They still want me to play with them at the level of a much younger man. So in order to stay healthy for them, that's what I do."

Here is what the man, named Justin Jones, told the National Enquirer:

"I was completely aware of what was happening," said Justin. "He just walks right up to me and introduces himself – 'Hi, I'm John.'"

When asked if he thought John was sizing him up, Justin said, "I understood what was happening when it was happening – it was in his body language. It didn't make me uncomfortable, but I noticed it."

"I understood what was happening when it was happening," says the man who was approached by John Travolta, at the gym, where they were alone, together, at three in the morning.

We all did, Justin. We all did.