The FOX Network, which has revolutionized reality television by bringing us the millionaireless Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire and trying to find right-size brides for a dwarf on The Littlest Groom, is now trying to destroy the traditional, seasonal TV schedule.

FOX will launch five new shows along with the long-awaited return of Paris Hilton (with horses, no night-vision) this June. The The Simple Life 2 joins Survivor/The Apprentice mastermind Mark Burnett's The Casino, as well as four scripted shows, including Method & Red, in which two rappers give uptight white folks all sorts of problems by acting all hip-hoppy.

If FOX's year-round programming move doesn't deliver the ratings jolt they hope for, they can always shift to an all The O.C. schedule and save on writing costs. That clever Seth Cohen obviously makes up all of his own lines.

Ploys of summer [Variety, subscription req.'d]