
Lena Dunham's Wig Is the Least Realistic Thing About Scandal

Aleksander Chan · 03/06/15 01:00PM

On Scandal, a presidential election has been rigged, a woman has gnawed a tracking device out of her arm, and the Republican president's gay chief of staff is engaged to a prostitute. All inherently more believable than the moppet hair glued onto Lena Dunham's scalp for her upcoming guest role.

A.J. Daulerio · 06/21/13 10:25AM

Charlie Sheen had his Anger Management co-star Selma Blair fired because he like-liked her and she did not feel the same way, report says.

NBC Gives Up On Being Intentionally Funny

mark · 05/17/04 12:25PM

Happy to derive its laughs from aspiring actors devouring the genitalia of dead animals on Fear Factor and from hopeless nerds trying to lay third-place beauty pageant contestants on Average Joe, NBC's fall schedule will go light on the sitcoms. The only new comedies will be the animated, Siegfried and Roy-inspired (and, disappointingly, mauling-free) Father of the Pride, and Friends spinoff Joey. NBC head Jeff Zucker is banking on Joey to deliver big ratings numbers in the Friends timeslot; if it falters, expect Matt LeBlanc to ingest a yak labia just before each commercial break.


mark · 05/14/04 05:14PM

Yesterday, we reported on Drudge's report on Jimmy Kimmel's Wednesday on-air collapse. In the great spirit of reporting on reporting, today we update by linking to E!'s story about Kimmel's near-fatal, totally controversial overdose on...Advil? What the fuck? You take too many Advil and your head puffs up like an hydroencephalitic Charlie Brown? We've never really heeded those warnings on the label, especially the ones about not taking Advil after a bender. Wow. Our liver probably looks like the inside of Courtney Love's nose by now.

NBC: Crazy For Spinoffs!

mark · 05/14/04 03:26PM

New Yorkish thinks that NBC's spinoff mania won't end with Friends spawn Joey. Looks like the highly derivative Fall schedule at the Peacock is going to be a little confusing. How are we supposed to remember which show is about the character so dumb that he eats his own feces and which one has the dog?

Seriously, Dude...It's A Publicity Stunt!

mark · 05/14/04 03:35AM

Fox recently issued a press release announcing it's new "wildly twisted" reality show, Seriously, Dude, I'm Gay (hosted by The Swan's Amanda Byram), in which two straight guys have to convince their friends they're finally coming out of the closet. Then, just hours later, Fox sent out another press release after gay activist group GLAAD protested some of the original's release's content. TV Barn has both the original release and the reissued one with an apology for their "failed," "ill-chosen" and "inappropriate" attempt at humor. The rereleased memo excised the phrase "It’s a heterosexual male’s worst nightmare: turning gay overnight" and a reference to a "jury of their queers."

Jimmy Kimmel's On-Air Collapse

mark · 05/13/04 04:30PM

Drudge reports that Jimmy Kimmel was rushed to the hospital after suffering an on-air allergic reaction in which his face swelled, his voice went raspy, and his eyes closed shut. Thankfully, the crew was there to provide some assistance; if he had to rely on his viewers to call 911, Kimmel could have expired while USC's Beta Theta Pi chapter finished its marathon waterfall chug.

Hollywood Vs. Hillbillies

mark · 05/13/04 02:22PM

Who are the latest victims of Hollywood's insensitivity? Rural Americans. First Fox exported our celebutante trash to defile a small Arkansas town (not to mention this summer's slut-a-riffic road trip sequel). Now CBS wants to inflict a real-life version of The Beverly Hillbillies on the world and UPN wants to document Amish teens going buck-wild in the big city.

Dick Van Dyke Returns: Thanks to CBS, Your Grandparents Can Now Die In Peace

mark · 05/11/04 12:01PM

The retirement community halls haven't seen this much electricity since Double Tapioca Night. The Op-Ed pages of Quietly Waiting to Die Daily are abuzz with anticipation. CBS airs The Dick Van Dyke Show Revisited tonight, catering as usual to the entertainment-underserved Greatest Generation. The return of Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore should easily carry the coveted 59- to-ashes-in-an-urn demographic, crushing such token, counterprogrammed sops to the body-piercing set such as ABC's According to Jim and PBS' Alan Alda in Scientific American Frontiers. Thanks, CBS! Our grandparents will have an hour where they're not nattering on about World War II.

Apprentice Washout Hired By Raiders

mark · 05/07/04 03:58PM

Downsized Apprentice contest/document reproduction deal-closing wunderkind Nick Warnock has landed a gig selling luxury suites for the Oakland Raiders. Raiders CEO Amy Trask said about hiring the fourth-place finisher, "I called someone else in our office equally addicted to the show and told him, 'I want to hire this guy to sell suites...[W]hen we saw on his Web site that he had a football background (he played high school and college football), it seemed like a great idea."

Fox to Simpsons Cast: You Can Be Replaced

mark · 05/07/04 02:13PM

LA Weekly "Deadline Hollywood" columnist Nikki Finke has a look at the negotiations between Fox and The Simpsons' voice actors. Hilariously, Fox execs at one point threatened to replace all of them.

Maria Shriver Interviews Roy Horn, Avoids Near-Fatal Mauling By Siegfried

mark · 05/07/04 12:09PM

A spy tells us about Maria Shriver's recent interview with magician/white tiger snack Roy Horn, which took place at Siegfried and Roy's Las Vegas compound. (Spy: "How do you interview a quasi-vegetable? Luckily, Maria has lots of experience dealing with someone who doesn't speak in complete sentences.") Scott Sassa, former head of NBC West Coast programming, was caught dishing about the ridiculous security in place to protect leaks from getting out ahead of the interview's Fall airing to promote NBC's animated tiger show, Father of the Pride.

The Friends Finale: The Aftermath

mark · 05/07/04 10:54AM

It's finally over. "The One Where They All Go On To Failed Spin-Offs And Disappointing Movie Careers While Waiting Quietly For The Ten Year Reunion Special" has aired, and America has its happy ending.

Still More Friends Spoilers: From The Set

mark · 05/06/04 01:16PM

To make a futile attempt at quenching the world's thirst for Friends spoilers, here is yet another installment. A tipster just sent this one, supposedly straight from a PA on the maybe he or she might have missed something while fetching an In N Out burger for David Arquette. It seems to corroborate some of the Popbitch tips.

Are Friends Writers 'Required' To Talk About Banging Jennifer Aniston?

mark · 05/05/04 11:40AM

All of the filthy details of a former Friends writers' assistant sexual harassment lawsuit against the show's writers came out a week or two ago (we like page 7). But FindLaw columnist Joanna Grossman discusses whether the writers' comments on their "personal sexual preferences and experiences...emphasizing anal sex, oral sex, big breasts, young girls and cheerleaders," their doodles of "cheerleaders with exposed breasts and vaginas," or their pantomimed "male masturbation" might be legally permissible as a job requirement, justified by "creative necessity."

Rosie O'Donnell: Another One Rides The Bus

mark · 05/04/04 12:22PM

In the triumphant spirit of Rain Man, I Am Sam, and A League of Their Own, Rosie O'Donnell will play a retarded woman who spends her days riding city buses in a CBS made-for-TV movie, Riding the Bus With My Sister. [Ed. note—We checked, and Rosie's character in League wasn't actually retarded, but close enough. This is a blog. Rock on.]