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A spy tells us about Maria Shriver's recent interview with magician/white tiger snack Roy Horn, which took place at Siegfried and Roy's Las Vegas compound. (Spy: "How do you interview a quasi-vegetable? Luckily, Maria has lots of experience dealing with someone who doesn't speak in complete sentences.") Scott Sassa, former head of NBC West Coast programming, was caught dishing about the ridiculous security in place to protect leaks from getting out ahead of the interview's Fall airing to promote NBC's animated tiger show, Father of the Pride.

Scott Sassa, former NBC pres of West Coast programming and now "special projects" (um, unemployed, powerless, but still paid) guy at the Net was overheard at a big horse show this weekend talking about last week's Roy Horn-Maria Shriver interview, which took place at Siegfried and Roy's compound....."They were searching everyone," Sassa said. "And confiscating cell phones, so no one could take phonecam pictures. Which makes no sense, since they were bringing in tons of video equipment." Sassa joked that the tigers would deal with anyone caught violating the rule. Interview won't be aired until the Fall, when Siegfried & Roy's new animated series on NBC preems......but the real question around town is, how do you interview a quasi-vegetable? Luckily, Maria has lots of experience dealing with someone who doesn't speak in complete sentences..........