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Gossiplist has a potential Bachelor spoiler (so read only at your own peril). It seems that possibly-cut Giants third-string quarterback and rose-bearer Jesse Palmer might be taking his snaps from contestant Tara, as a local paper in her Oklahoma hometown has spotted him there (though we suppose he could have been there for an on-camera "Meet the Parents"). And Tara likes the football types; she got engaged to one that played for the University of Oklahoma during their 2001 Rose Bowl appearance. Perhaps he can hold down a roster spot in the NFL better than Palmer?

Meanwhile, The Bachelor's honorary Omarosa, supposed model Trish Schneider, is apparently only posing part-time. Gossiplist also has a photo of Trish in her other job as a hostess in a Miami restaurant. She is 28, which certainly raises a red flag. Aren't models put out to pasture when they're 21? Or maybe it's when they crack 100 pounds? We can never quite remember.