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More troubles for Disney CEO Michael Eisner and the new office fortifications he's installed to repel his marauding enemies:

· Former Disney director Roy Disney accuses Eisner of overstating the value of the ABC Family channel by billions; Eisner installs trap door in front of desk leading to pit full of sharp sticks. [LAT, reg. req'd.]
· Eisner's finally-thawing relationship with Harvey Weinstein is strained over Disney's refusal to release Miramax's Fahrenheit 911; Eisner hires two former, aggrieved Miramax assistants to stand inside his office door with Harvey-repelling cattle prods. [NYT, reg. req'd.]
· A shareholder lawsuit unseals a letter from Eisner about his regrets in hiring uberagent Michael Ovitz as Disney president, which quickly ended with Ovitz receiving a $140 million severance package; Eisner places phone call to Abu Ghraib prison officers for advice on handling outraged investors caught in office tiger pit. [NYT, reg. req'd.]