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Sightings are sent in (and written) by our readers. Send yours to Don't pretend you're too good for this just because you live in L.A.

In this episode, Justin Timberlake & Cameron Diaz singing for their supper, Leonardo DiCaprio & Gisele Bundchen buying sunglasses, Reese Witherspoon with her rugrat, Katie Holmes & Chris Klein at boot camp, Don Cheadle in first class as assistant flies coach, Cindy Crawford, Blythe Danner, Aleix Bledel, Lori Petty, Jordana Brewster, Curtis "Booger" Armstrong, Kato Kaelin, Janice Dickinson, Jim Lampley, Larissa Meek, and Trishelle Cannatella.

[Ed. note—From now on, all PrivacyWatch items will be presented in order of most famous to least famous, determined by a special, up-to-the-minute Fame Algorithm known only to Defamer.]

·Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz sing for their dinner...With four non-famous friends, at Angelini Osteria on Beverly Blvd, 9PMish last night (hope their Tivos caught Friends). Lots of glass "chinging" and song. He wore a white knit beanie and scruff. She look tan and surprisingly acne free (when I see her in the supermarket, her face looks like a train wreck).

· leo de caps and gizzy [Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen] on 3rd st yesterday buying sunglasses. actually he bought her a pair of prada shades. she was very nice, smiley sweet in that whole "brazilian and Im nice thing." he was tall, brooding and acting movie star-ish not nice with store people doing the "dont look at me im sick of people thing"

· Reese Witherspoon and her daughter Ava at Century Nails and Spa on San Vicente in Brentwood. Reese was chatting with her assistant/friend and Ava was in the chair getting her little 4-year old nails done. They were both very friendly and nice. Reese is short—like 5 feet—and was wearing a sun visor and a cute skirt. No attitude visible. They drove off in a huge white Toyota Land Cruiser with tinted windows.

· I spotted American Pie and Katie Holmes arm candy Chris Klein at Barry's Boot Camp (www.barrysbootcamp) in Sherman Oaks. He showed up on chest and abs day wearing black spandex track pants and a red tank top. I couldn't help but notice his gait on the treadmill was akin to a gazelle's. When he tried to slack off during the weights portion of the workout, the teacher ran over and made him do more reps.

· On the same flight as Don Cheadle (he in First Class with an assistant and me in Coach without assistant) going from LAX to Chicago. Maybe he was on his way to film "Ocean's Twelve"? Not a huge deal, really. He was talking on his cell, nobody approached him and he shorter than expected. Looked clean and together but not overtly so. Thank god for this last-minute cool celeb sighting on my LA trip - I was going to lie and tell everybody I saw Jennifer Love-Hewitt at Von's.

· I was standing in line at the Brentwood Village post office and who should walk into the otherwise very boring scene than an absolutely stunning Cindy Crawford with her son. She was there for some sort of mysterious passport business, which her son was thwarting by needing to use the bathroom. She asked a post office employee if her kid could pee there and was firmly told to look for a toilet elsewhere (I guess the post office employees weren't reading Vogue ten years ago). She was wearing no makeup, black sweats and a tank top, and was oddly business-like with her kid.

· Saw Blythe Danner at A Votre Sante on San Vicente last night. She is was with Gwennies brother (her son) and a girl whom I assume is his girlfriend. She is looking very old and the girl chatted it up on her cell phone almost the entire meal. The expectant grandmother was kinda quiet the whole meal.

· Dave Grohl got off a plane from somewhere at LAX. Couldn't tell you where it was from, as three Continental flights had landed at the same time, but your choices were Newark, Chicago and Cincinnati. Looking scruffy and slightly disheveled in that rock star way — bearded, wearing tan cargo pants, a white t-shirt and carrying a hefty backpack — he walked down the stairs holding the hand of a pretty blonde girl and grabbed a driver who had his name written on a card. They headed off to baggage claim, but a few minutes later he made a beeline for the loo.

· I saw Alexis Bledel sitting by herself at Say Cheese in Silverlake on Sunday. She looked like she was waiting for someone. I don’t think anyone else there recognized her. She looked like she has great skin. I also saw Lori Petty at Hal’s in Venice that afternoon (it was too hot to stay on the eastside all day). She looked hot and tough while drinking champagne.

· Jordanna Brewster, both Saturday AND Sunday at Equinox on the Strip, driving a "Tuner" compact (NOT a hybrid) car into the lot ("Hott" as the kids say) and looking smokin' and tan in Addidas sweats, rockin' an old school TAPE walkman (what, no Ipod???!!!). Don't they give them away at Sundance?

· i have two c-list celebrity sightings for you. on wednesday night i flew coach on united from bwi to lax behing curtis armstrong, aka booger from revenge of the nerds. he was with his daughter and wife and doing a pretty good scottish accent. then saturday i was at bigfoot lodge at 1:45 am and saw kato kaelin. [Ed.note—Item position lifted by Kato sighting.] he kind of took a look around and left. i guess the rockabilly bar scene isn't his thing. if only he felt the same way about his bleached blonde locks.

· Janice Dickinson driving up my street in Beverly Hills, with dogs running in front of her car (as if she was going to run them over). It's a narrow street, and as our car passed hers, she rolled down the window and said "That's how I walk my dawgs". she looked way hotter without the makeup spackled on, by the way.

· Jim Lampley (HBO Boxing commentator) waiting for the valet at Senor Fred's in Sherman Oaks. He fishes his parking stub out of his shirt pocket, and then, thinking that nobody was looking, he fishes a hand-rolled cigarette out of the pocket. He dangles it from his lips, as he looks around for more stuff in his pockets. The whole time, I'm staring at him. He catches sight of me, and puts the roach back in his pocket, trying to be all nonchalant.

· Average Joe Hawaii's semi-starlet Larissa Meek, solo, spent quite a while perusing the wine section of the Whole Foods on 3rd and Fairfax with a permanent scowl. Two weeks earlier, it was trip-hop has-been Tricky I spotted there. Shorter than you’d think, sporting the requisite mini Mohawk.

· Encountered Trishelle Cannatella (Real World: Las Vegas) at Ralphs supermarket on Sunset at 1:15 AM this morning. She was looking attractive in an understated blue three-quarter sleeve shirt and jeans. She was with some punk with spiky hair and a bright orange shirt, perusing the sushi aisle.