
Short Ends: Frasier Fades Into Nothingness; Obscure Opera Reference Industry Fears Collapse

mark · 05/13/04 06:58PM

· Remember all of the buzz over the Friends finale last week? Spoilers flying left and right, hand-wringing pronouncements on What Friends Meant. Frasier ends tonight, and largely no one gives an eff. It did win a record 31 Emmys, but that's sort of like the kid who's just really bad at math and has rosy cheeks winning the Triple Jump at the Special Olympics every year. Anyway, Slate's Dana Stevens manages to use the word "jejune" while kissing Frasier goodbye and declaring the end of the "adult" sitcom.
· Harvey Weinstein is writing his memoirs. He'll probably leave out the part about all the money he probably owes Kevin Smith and Tarantino.
· The Smoking Gun has an old Friends test audience report that should have saved the world eleven years of watching Matthew Perry's head go from tiny to engorged to really engorged to sort of skinny.
· Lindsay Lohan is hosting the MTV Movie Awards. Her agent says they're real, by the way.
· Number of people in Hawaii, according to the Census Bureau: 1.2 million. Number of phone calls from Hawaii ostensibly voting for Hawaiian Jasmine Trias on American Idol last night: 1.3 million.
· No, it's not Hooters. E3: Nerds concoct entire industry just to hold a convention where they can have their pictures taken with scantily-clad women pretending not to be repulsed.

Short Ends: Bring On The Weekend

mark · 05/07/04 08:41PM

·Project Greenlight just winnowed down 1,733 entrants to 50 to make an interesting television show that will eventually put out an unwatchable movie.
·Gawkermonkey Choire is already face down in his own vomit by now, so we feel compelled to tell you about the debris from Billy Joel's drinky-drinky crashy-crashy being sold at auction for $1,075 American dollars.
·Bored? Go watch Detour in the Hollywood Forever Cemetary, and try not to desecrate any graves.
·Thank God for French law and order: Riot police will shield the Cannes festival from starving, unhealthy actors with picket signs.
·The Friars Club is roasting Donald Trump. What's there to make fun of? He's rich and gets the Trump Salad tossed by one of the hottest women in the world. Oh, yeah. The hair.