There are 481 days until Kristin Cavallari's debut book Balancing on Heels drops, and today, Kristin is experiencing the exquisite torture of romance. The object(s) of her affection? The new Love Is On™ range of Revlon Ultra HD™ lipsticks. And her husband, Jerbb Curtis(?). Kristin writes on Instagram:

I'll be spending my Valentine's Day surrounded by lots of ❤️ and my man! Share your own pic using @revlon's personalized love gifts #LOVEisON

A beautiful love story told in words and animated GIF. A hailstorm of pink and white hearts going *pfaf* *pfaf* *pfaf* as they thud on the ground and explode. Kristin's Instagram followers agree:

Such a beautiful couple! Seems like all your dreams came true!

I love you guys! I'm an OC girl that happened to fall for a Bears fan and seriously love you both

cute pic, but it looks like Jay gave you a lipstick kiss, too


Happy St. Valentine's Day to Kristin and Jerbb.

This has been 500 Days of Kristin.

[Photo via Getty]