On the one hand, you can definitely say that Sarah Jessica Parker was physically in attendance at last night's hockey game between the New York Rangers and Los Angeles Kings. On the other, her soul and spirit were very, very far away, twirling inside a novel about an old ballet dancer.

Parker was at the game for her 50th birthday, which—considering her registered level of interest in the hockey game happening in front of her face—raises a few questions, such as: Was she kidnapped by her friend Tom Hanks, who sat one row in front of her with his son, the rapper Chet Haze?

Or, if she really just wanted to read the new novel Astonish Me by Maggie Shipstead, why not go literally anywhere else other than Madison Square Garden?

That said, very few people have 50th birthdays that are this fun?

Let's take a look behind the book:

Nobody has ever been happier flagrantly reading a book at a hockey game than Sarah Jessica Parker.

That book appears to have been the only thing keeping her sane, because look at her reaction to Tom Hanks being like "whatsa matta with you?" to his son, the rapper Chet Haze:

Let's just...


[top image via Getty]