“Can we please get started now? This is an interview.”

Writer Ruby Warrington had the excruciating pleasure of sitting down with Kylie and Kendall Jenner a few weeks ago in an interview for the Sunday Times, and, let me tell you, she was able to pry the girls away from their cell phones just barely long enough to grab some truly incredible quotes.

After setting the scene up top—the two young celebrities sitting, texting wordlessly (hence the interviewer’s aforementioned plea “Can we please get started now?”)—Warrington explains that the pre-approved length of time she was given to speak to the girls had already been cut in half due to the fact that the sisters were “tired.” Poor sweet babies! After being asked to begin, Kendall offered her dark thoughts on social media, which sometimes inspires in her a desire for physical violence:

“I think social media has taken over for our generation. ... I hate it sometimes, like, I literally want to throw my phone so I can’t look at it. It’s all a made-up world if you think about it. Social media, everything, this interview, everything. It’s not real. It’s pretty crazy.”

That’s life. Sometimes you literally want to throw your phone so you can’t look at it, but you can’t, because it has taken over for our generation. Nothing is real. Even this interview.

My God.

Kendall then offered an anecdote about a recent trip to Thailand—the very trip that made her come to see social media in this light (“not real”). She also saw: “dogs that were, like, withering away”; “people who live in huts”; meat hanging; everything:

Kendall had an epiphany about social media on a recent family holiday to Thailand. “We had a two-hour drive from the airport to where we were staying, and I’d left my phone in my bag, so I didn’t touch it the whole way. I looked out the window at everything, and I saw people who live in huts and have dogs that were, like, withering away. And all their food, meat, was hanging in front of their house. It was very sad.

Meat hanging. Very sad.

Even sadder, Kylie missed it all:

“Then we pulled up to this amazing house we were staying at, and I looked over and Kylie was on her phone the whole time and didn’t see one thing that I saw.”

Damn. I truly love this girl very much. And while we’re on the subject of Kylie, Kylie does not want to grow past 18:

“I’m scared of the day I turn 19. I really don’t want to grow past 18,” Kylie says. She looks at her sister. “You’ll be 20 this year — that’s crazy. And any second you’ll be, like, 21, 22, 23...”

Time marches on, and Kendall—Kendall, so frail, so near to death, almost 21 in like any second—feels mortality’s weight, as well:

Kendall nods. “It’s scary. Life is scary.” But why this fear of getting older? “It’s just scary to think how fast everything is rolling and you can’t stop it. It’s rolling right now,” she says.

Do you hear that? That’s the sound of my heart beating even slower.

Plus, Kylie has done so much, physically and whatever, in this past year:

“You see a picture and you’ve changed so much in a year,” Kylie agrees. “I’ve done so much, physically and whatever.”

She’s changed so much. Or, at least, one specific part of her face has changed so much. It’s scary. It’s alarming.

However, the sisters would not like to explicitly identify these physical changes, nor would they like to talk about their body insecurities, which is understandable, I don’t know why any young women would want to talk about that:

But when I broach the topic of what body insecurities the sisters deal with as young women today, Kendall shuts me down with a swift “Next question”.

But is Kendall’s refusal to give a writer a quote about her bodily insecurities because she is a feminist? Warrington asks her if she considers herself one.

“I don’t know much about it, so I can’t really speak on it. I get what you’re saying, but I’m not gonna say much because I’d like to be more educated.”

Kendall gets what you are saying but she is not educated enough to know if she considers herself a feminist. She may be working toward a minor in Kendall, but she has chosen to major in General Disinterest.

Kendall, I love you, and I would never tell you when you should just say yes. You are perfect and so is your sister, Kylie. And Kylie—please look out the window next time you are on vacation. It will make your sister feel better.


(By the way: Ruby Warrington—wonderful Ruby Warrington—Ruby Warrington who I love almost as much as Kylie and Kendall—was ostensibly sent to interview the girls about their new Topshop clothing line.)

Read the entire incredible article, “The Kylie + Kendall show,” here if you’d like to.

Image via Getty. Contact the author at kelly.conaboy@gawker.com.