With Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s slowly churning divorce finally etched into concrete for eternity, America’s newest Batman is moving out of the couple’s Los Angeles mansion and into... a “private area within the family’s home”! It seems weird, but once you see photos of Affleck’s new digs, you’ll totally understand his decision.

First, here’s a bird’s eye view of the ex-couple’s sprawling estate. Even from this angle, you can admire what is likely Affleck’s new man cave, situated in a scenic spot off the couple’s pool.

The shot below provides a better angle. The private area from which he can now romance Jennifer Lopez or at least Blake Lively free from the gaze of Jennifer Garner’s prying eyes features two slides, three seated swings and a tire swing.

Affleck’s “wing” is actually composed of two smaller homes, which are connected by an open-air wooden bridge. The unit appears to receive plenty of natural light.

As you can see in the above photo, Affleck will have immediate access to the property’s patio, but his new home also features a private outdoor area perfect for grilling off to the right of what will likely come to be known as “the dick slide.”

As is customary in Los Angeles during the city’s current real estate boom, Affleck’s new boudoir sports a detached multi-colored plastic slide, which leads out to a large garden area.

The inflatable beach ball is the property of Jennifer Garner but can be rented by tenants for $9 per day.

Contact the author at jordan@gawker.com.