Ex-Affleck Nanny Reportedly Seeking Employment as "The Bachelorette"
Allie Jones · 08/17/15 09:23AM
Though her alleged romance with Ben Affleck has (allegedly) ended, the Afflecks’ former nanny Christine Ouzounian has not given up on love. In fact, she’s prepared to shit where she eats again: Page Six reports Ouzounian is interested in a job as The Bachelorette on the dating reality show The Bachelorette.
Oh Hell Yeah Ben Affleck Just Bought a $90,000 Hot Rod
Allie Jones · 07/15/15 09:45AM
Nigh three weeks ago now, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced that after three kids and 10 years of marriage, they’re getting divorced. Why? Well no one knows exactly, but names like Margot Robbie, J.Lo, Blackjack, and Blake Lively have been thrown around in the tabloids as reasons the Afflecks could no longer make it work.
The Marvelous Tale of Ben Affleck's Disappearing and Reappearing Ring
Kelly Conaboy · 07/14/15 11:05AM
Since Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced their long-rumored divorce on June 30th, 2015, the world has been fixated on a singular issue: the Greek debt crisis. Also: whether, at any given moment, Ben Affleck is wearing his wedding ring or not. Let’s take a closer look at Ben’s tortuous love affair—with his ring.
People Finds a Nice Way to Say Ben Affleck Cheated
Allie Jones · 07/08/15 09:32AM
It’s Wednesday, which means America’s beloved gossip rags have released their new issues for the week. Us Weekly’s cover shouts: “GAMBLING, BOOZE, & CHEATING: JEN’S SECRET HELL” alongside an artfully tattered photo of soon-to-be divorced actors Jen Garner and Ben Affleck. People, the mag that spent the last month groveling at the Afflecks’ feet to get the coveted divorce exclusive, promises something different on its cover: The real story.
Allie Jones · 07/07/15 01:24PM
From former Gawker writer Maureen O’Connor, here is a perfect interview with Rob Shuter, the celebrity PR guy who handled Ben Affleck’s last breakup (with the other Jen). Shuter spills the tea about all his former clients, including Jessica Simpson, who he says dated the biggest publicity whore of all: John Mayer.
Here Are All the Theories About the Ben Affleck and Jen Garner Divorce
Allie Jones · 07/07/15 08:29AM
After 10 years and one day of marriage, actors Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced last week that they’ve decided to divorce. We knew this was coming, but still, we ask: why? What happened in between falling in love on the set of Daredevil (2004) and moving out of a shared bedroom in their Los Angeles home and into different, private areas of that same home?
Ben Affleck's New Home Is an Arts and Crafts Style Pad With Canyon Views
Jordan Sargent · 07/02/15 03:25PM
With Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s slowly churning divorce finally etched into concrete for eternity, America’s newest Batman is moving out of the couple’s Los Angeles mansion and into... a “private area within the family’s home”! It seems weird, but once you see photos of Affleck’s new digs, you’ll totally understand his decision.
Why Are Ben Affleck and Jen Garner Getting Divorced?
Allie Jones · 07/02/15 10:00AM
After 10 years of marriage, Ben Affleck and Jen Garner are breaking up. Why? People has the exclusive scoop: It’s because “they are really two different people.” Also, per a source: Ben “was a good husband and loves and cares for his wife and family. He was juggling that as well as his career—everyone knows that juggling a family and career is hard.”
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Gonna Live Together After Divorce, Wheee
Allie Jones · 07/01/15 09:17AM
Cue the laugh track, because we’ve got a reckless sitcom on our hands: according to reports, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are still going to live together after their divorce. Page Six explains: “Ben, who has been staying in hotels in recent months, will live on the property of their Brentwood marital home, but will not share the main house.”
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Tell People They're Getting Divorced
Allie Jones · 06/30/15 03:50PM
The actors Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced today, one day after their 10-year wedding anniversary, that they are getting divorced. “After much thought and careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to divorce,” the couple told People in a joint statement. Our condolences to the Afflecks and congratulations to People for getting that exclusive they so desperately wanted.
PBS Suspends Show For Allowing Ben Affleck to Influence Its Content
Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/25/15 08:29AMPeople Is So Thirsty for the Ben Affleck-Jen Garner Divorce Exclusive
Allie Jones · 06/22/15 01:00PM
Rumors about Jennifer Garner and her husband Ben Affleck’s impending divorce have been swirling for years (remember the Blake Lively car ride?). But they’ve picked up again with a vengeance, after a Radar report that Ben spent Jen’s birthday alone, in Canada—Canada!—without his wedding ring. So if the divorce is just matter of when, not if, the only remaining question is: Who gets the exclusive?
How Many Days Until Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck Get Divorced?
Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/28/15 05:50PM
Could beloved celebrity couple “Bennifer 2” be well on their way to a new celebrity nickname: “Jen it’s not your fault” and “He’s such an asshole”? I don’t know, I don’t live in their home or spend much time with them, but I’d stake my reputation on the fact that it seems not out of the realm of possibility.
Ben Affleck Whispered Something to Jennifer Lopez...But What?
Kelly Conaboy · 02/25/15 02:20PM
What do we know about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez? We know they are celebrities, for one. We know they are former lovers, as well as actors. We know their names. Finally, we know that they are Oscar presenters who attended the 2015 Oscars without their significant others Jennifer Garner and Casper Smart, respectively. Seems like a lot of things that we know, yes, but I can assure you there is at least one thing we don't know about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez.
Jennifer Garner Gave Up Her Life of Streaking to Hire Goat Gardeners
Aleksander Chan · 10/15/14 11:38AM
Jennifer Garner, who used to wear wigs on Alias, has presumably been sitting on the story of her life as an avid streaker for years now, based on the enthusiasm and faux aw-shucks she brought to Conan last night. I'm promoting two movies, she probably said to herself in her dressing room mirror. I can finally tell this story...
Watch Ben Affleck and Matt Damon Make Fun of Each Other for Charity
Lacey Donohue · 02/13/14 04:39PMIf you've ever fantasized of thruppling it up with Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, now's your chance make dreams a reality. All you have to do is make a $10 donation, and you'll be entered to win a double date with two of Boston's finest exports.
Breakdowns: Dreamworks Offered $75M For Three More Eps of Breaking Bad
Beejoli Shah · 10/09/13 12:32PM
If Dreamworks got its way, Breaking Bad would have lasted just a little longer; you can now watch Rupert Grint be super charming in Super Clyde, the pilot CBS stupidly passed on; Hollywood is going to bat for ex-Focus Features CEO James Schamus; even award-winning editing can't help Justin Timberlake, and that's saying something.