After 10 years and one day of marriage, actors Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced last week that they’ve decided to divorce. We knew this was coming, but still, we ask: why? What happened in between falling in love on the set of Daredevil (2004) and moving out of a shared bedroom in their Los Angeles home and into different, private areas of that same home?

Ask, and ye shall receive. Here are all the theories we have heard about what went wrong from America’s most trusted tabloids.

Theory #1: “They really are two different people”

Outlet: People
Source: A person “close to the couple”
How many Ben Afflecks and Jen Garners am I holding up? One? Two? What do you see? According to People’s source, Ben and Jen “really are two different people,” which is why they are getting divorced. To drive the point home, People notes that Jen is from West Virginia, while Ben is from—no offense—Boston. Two different people born of two different mothers in two different places. Doomed.
Likelihood: This can’t be the reason. Two different people get married all the time.

Theory #2: “Ben’s drinking and gambling have escalated”

Outlet: TMZ
Source: A person “connected with the couple”
According to a TMZ’s source, Ben and Jen are done because “Ben’s drinking and gambling have escalated over the last few years to the point ‘[Jen] couldn’t take it anymore.’”
Likelihood: Affleck has been loudly and proudly sober for years—but starting last year, gossip blogs began to whisper that he had fallen off the wagon.

Theory #3: “Emily Ratajkowski”

Outlet: The National Enquirer
Source: A “source”
Likelihood of truth:

Theory #4: “Juggling a family and a career is hard”

Outlet: People
Source: A person “close to the couple”
This source tells People that Ben’s booming career ultimately caused problems in his marriage. While he “was a good husband and loves and cares for his wife and family,” he was “juggling that as well as his career—everyone knows that juggling a family and career is hard.”
Likelihood of truth: Sure, everyone knows that juggling a family and career is hard. Another source tells TMZ that Jen did not think Ben was a “present husband.”

Theory #5: “Margot Robbie”

Outlet: Woman’s Day
Source: A “source”
Likelihood of truth:

Theory #6: “Matt Damon”

Outlet: Radar
Source: An “insider”
According to this source, Ben’s best buddy Matt Damon ruined the marriage. The source claims Jen “felt left out and alone” as Ben and Matt began spending more time with out her, “so she started to control things.” Also: Jen knew Ben “was talking to his agent and Matt about their marriage, and she started to feel like she was being ganged up on by the boys.”
Likelihood of truth: Do you like apples? ;-)

Theory #7: Ben and Jen’s hair colors are too similar—it’d be like looking at your sibling—ew

This is my personal theory; feel free to disregard.

Theory #8: “J.Lo”

Outlet: The Sun
Source: A “source”
Likelihood of truth:

Theory #9: “[Ben’s] Mad Men mentality”

Outlet: People
Source: A “source”
According to yet another People source, Ben has a “Mad Men mentality” and is “like a 50s dad.” He “thinks work is your priority and providing money for your family is your priority, and raising the kids day to day and making a nice house is the wife’s priority.” In the end, the source claims, this arrangement did not work for Jen. The wonderful Lainey Gossip points out that this is not the first time People has described the Afflecks’ marriage as Mad Men-esque: in 2013, the mag ran a glowing story about how the couple’s old school division of responsibilities actually made their relationship work.
Likelihood of truth: One thing’s for sure: In the 50s, societal pressure and a lack of no-fault divorce made it more difficult for women to escape their cheating, gambling, drunk husbands. How do ya like them apples?! ;-)

Theory #10: “Blake Lively”

Outlet: The National Enquirer
Source: A “source,” literally everyone
Likelihood of truth:

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