Sardi’s is a very famous restaurant in New York City where caricatures of famous people have been drawn and hung on the walls for thousands of years. Bradley Cooper is a famous person who went there recently to meet a drawing of a woman who looked just like him. Maybe next time you’ll get your shot, Brad!

This is a photo of Bradley Cooper seeing the drawing of the woman who looks just like him for the first time:

“Wow! That woman looks so much like me, it’s CRAZY!! I can’t believe I was invited to this intimate event to see a drawing of a woman who looks just like me! This is one of my all-time favorite days!”

This is a photo of Bradley Cooper signing the drawing of a woman who looks just like him, presumably so he can give it to that woman later as a gesture of goodwill:

“Who should I make this out to?” Bradley Cooper asks. “What is this witchy woman’s name?”

Here is a photo of Bradley Cooper cradling the drawing of a woman who looks just like him in the crook of his arm.

As you can see below, he has signed the drawing “Thanks to everyone + Charlie Cooper! -Bradley Cooper” plus he added a “Kilroy was here”-type illustration, one hopes because the woman to whom he will one day give this drawing loves goofy things like drawings of Kilroy.

We assume the “Charlie Cooper” Bradley Cooper is thanking here is his father, Charles, who passed away in 2011. Thanks to Charlie Cooper for giving me this beautiful woman’s face.

You wear it well, my boy.

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