Jeremy Renner on Closing Gender Pay Gap: "That's Not My Job"
Kelly Conaboy · 10/22/15 10:03AMHow Are We Expected to Believe Anything Bradley Cooper, an Outrageous Liar, Says About Cooking?
Kelly Conaboy · 10/16/15 03:10PMBradley Cooper Hasn't Read Jennifer Lawrence's Essay But He's Totally For It, Or Whatever
Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/14/15 02:56PMBradley Cooper CAUGHT! In Outrageous Lie
Kelly Conaboy · 09/15/15 02:35PMRemember When Sony Executives Told Us That Aloha Was Dogshit?
Jordan Sargent · 05/29/15 12:21PM
This weekend’s major film release is Cameron Crowe’s Hawaiian wet dream Aloha, starring Bradley Cooper, Rachel McAdams and Bill Murray, plus Caucasian, Arizona-born Emma Stone as a part-native Hawaiian named Allison Ng. Aloha currently has a very bad 14% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is not a surprise considering the film’s financiers openly lamented how painful and shitty the movie is.
Bradley Cooper Poses With Drawing of Woman Who Looks Like Bradley Cooper
Dayna Evans · 05/07/15 12:42PM
Sardi’s is a very famous restaurant in New York City where caricatures of famous people have been drawn and hung on the walls for thousands of years. Bradley Cooper is a famous person who went there recently to meet a drawing of a woman who looked just like him. Maybe next time you’ll get your shot, Brad!
Hmm, Where Are Leonardo DiCaprio and Bradley Cooper Hiding the Models?
Kelly Conaboy · 04/16/15 11:15AMBradley Cooper and Suki Waterhouse Allegedly Made Out at Coachella
Kelly Conaboy · 04/13/15 09:10AMJennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper Are "Not" Having Sex, Yeah Right
Kelly Conaboy · 03/23/15 10:41AMRemember When Emma Stone Sang "Bitch" on a Partridge Family Reality Show?
Rich Juzwiak · 02/19/15 10:30AM
The 20 stars nominated for Academy Awards this year represent some of the most talented (or, anyway, famous) actors on screen today. At one point, however, they were slack-jawed, blank-eyed, no-name novices. They’d probably like to forget their often humiliating early work, but thanks to the magic of technology, they can never escape it. From Ed Norton’s educational ESL VHS to Emma Stone’s completely mortifying renditions of pop songs on an American Idol knock-off show, so much of the early work of these nominees is jaw-droppingly bad.
Why Sienna Miller Had to Breastfeed a Plastic Baby in American Sniper
Jay Hathaway · 01/20/15 04:10PMBradley Cooper Has a Problem With His Own Handsomeness
Aleksander Chan · 01/14/15 10:33AMBradley Cooper Is a Stressed Out, Fat Mess in American Sniper
Aleksander Chan · 10/03/14 08:55AMAmerican Sniper, Clint Eastwood's latest jingoistic drama, stars (a plump!) Bradley Copper as Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the U.S. military's deadliest sniper ever. Looks tense. This Oscar-bait (so says Vulture) might be just the kind of moral bludgeoning you need when it comes out this Christmas: The trailer interpolates images of Cooper holding and crying with his baby and Sienna Miller as he trains his crosshairs on a woman and a child with a bomb. Fun fact: Steven Spielberg was originally set up to direct this movie, but then he changed his mind.
Critics Choice Awards: Sandra Bullock and Bradley Cooper Go Fuck Wild
Lacey Donohue · 01/17/14 11:30AM
If the Critics Choice Awards are accurate predictions for the Oscars, it looks like it will continue to be a great year for 12 Years a Slave, American Hustle, and Gravity. On late Thursday afternoon, the Broadcast Film Critics Association presented the prestigious awards to predictable winners in an airplane hangar in Santa Monica; adding to the glamour was the fact that the event was sponsored by Pinkberry. If there's anything sadder than staying at home to watch an awards show on the CW, it's watching an awards show that stars Tom Hanks eating froyo.