It was announced last week that serious drama couple Cate Blanchett and Andrew Upton adopted a new wee one to complement the three boys the couple already has. And the baby is a girl! How wonderful. The world benefits from more women.

According to US Weekly, the baby has been named Edith Vivian Patricia Upton. Three names. This baby must be important. Let's break it down. Edith, an old English name, means "prosperous in war." Vivian has roots in Latin and French, and means "alive." Patricia is the feminine of Patrick, meaning "aristocrat." So here we have Prosperous in War Alive Aristocrat Upton. Shit, is this baby signaling the start of World War III?

Whatever happens, she will survive it, and likely become our new ruler, or at least control a significant portion of the New World's money.

This has been Baby Name Critic.

Leah Finnegan is Gawker's Baby Name Critic.

[Pic via AP]