500 Days of Kristin, Day 240: Kristin Naming Her Daughter After a Bitch
Allie Jones · 09/22/15 03:11PMCate Blanchett Adds Downton Abbey Character to Her Brood
Leah Finnegan · 03/09/15 10:15AMRider Strong Chooses to Name His Son Something More Stupid Than Rider
Leah Finnegan · 01/22/15 01:00PM
Rider Strong, who I hope has enough royalties from his Boy Meets World days to raise a child, has had a child. People Magazine writes that Strong and his wife, Alexandra Barretto, "successfully kept Barretto's pregnancy completely under wraps." Hmm. Wonder how they did that. The world is indeed a mystery sometimes. So much happens that we don't know about...
Vanessa Carlton Gives Birth to Irish Grandpa
Leah Finnegan · 01/15/15 09:30AM
Is it just the Baby Name Critic, or has there been a celebrity birth idyll? Since the arrival of Wallpaper Lively-Reynolds at the turn of the year, things at Gawker's Baby Name Headquarters have been quiet... too quiet. What could the celebrities be hiding? Or perhaps, from whom could they be hiding?