Twitter Laureate Chris Brown, charged with misdemeanor hit-and-run and driving without a license, responded yesterday to media coverage with accusations of bullying and yellow journalism. He ended his passionate spree with a simple and moving “2 Corinthians 12:10”

For those not fluent in Bible, the passage states, “That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

Brown’s delight must clearly be mounting today as TMZ is now reporting details from the written statement given to cops by the "victim," Olga Gure-Kovalenko, in the alleged incident.(Her full, unedited statement can be found here.) According to TMZ’s report, when the other driver asked for his license, Brown and his passenger refused to cooperate. The driver then angered Brown by taking a picture, resulting in him reaching toward her while his companion screamed “Don’t touch her! Don’t touch her!” He began ranting, "You are a bitch! Who do you think you are, bitch?” clearly the next logical post-accident question after “Are you okay?” and “Can I see your insurance?”

Before slamming the door and driving away, Brown asked the driver “Do you think I’m just a black n*****.” No word yet on whether or not Paula Deen’s PR people will use this to prove that good people like Chris Brown and Paula Deen, drop the N-word all the time.