It's never nice to make fun of someone for crying. Maybe they're crying because they're remembering a death? Maybe someone they know has cancer. Maybe something less dark, for the purposes of lightening the mood so far. We are not making fun of Kelly Clarkson, however—we're merely playing a guessing game.

(Also we do know what she's crying about, in this instance, and it is having to film 2003's musical romantic comedy From Justin to Kelly, considered by many to be one of the worst films ever made.)

Taking part in Us Magazine's renowned "25 Things You Might Not Know About Me," Kelly Clarkson revealed, along with the fact that she has a concealed handgun license and "can take a two-hour bath easily," that she cried for a specific amount of time while on the phone with American Idol creator Simon Fuller while she "pleaded to be let out of the contract that said [she] had to film From Justin to Kelly."

How long did she cry? Take a moment to think about it, and write your guess down on a sheet of scrap paper.

Are you ready?

"A solid hour."

Not bad at all, Kelly Clarkson!

Thank you for playing.

[image via Getty]