Christians and Kabbalists are observing a day of mourning after Gwyneth Paltrow, actress who reportedly descended from "like, 17 generations of rabbis," has decided to convert to Judaism.

Page Six reports Paltrow's planned conversion, pointing out that on a 2011 episode of NBC's Who Do You Think You Are? she dug deeper into the story that she comes from a long line of prominent rabbis:

(She does, actually!)

Paltrow, self proclaimed "Jewish princess" who only allows her children, Apple and Moses, to watch television if it is in French or Spanish, not that that's particularly relevant here, but you know, just saying, would reportedly like to raise her children in a Jewish environment. From Page Six:

After appearing on the ancestry show, Paltrow had said that she wants to raise her daughter Apple, 10, and son Moses, 8, in a Jewish environment, even though their father Martin is Christian. She reportedly made the comment to guests of a London event that was hosted by Community Security Trust, a charity that represents Jewish interests.

Mazel tov to the happy family.

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