I bet you didn't even remember that you didn't know whether or not Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher were married.

Though the nights may have passed when questions about Kunis and Kutcher's marital status kept you awake—you, tossing and turning in February's chill with Kunis's words to Ellen Degeneres echoing in your mind, "I don't know! I don't know! I don't know."—the couple has still been, as it turns out, keeping this fact a secret.

Fair enough, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher. It is your business.

Rather, it was your business. Kunis spilled the marriage beans during a Late Late Show interview in which host James Corden revealed himself to be a straight up wedding detective. From the Independent:

Despite Kunis replying "maybe" when Corden asked if she was married, he pressed her, saying: "Either you're married or you're not". He then checked out her wedding-ring finger and found a gold band parked on it.

He told the audience: "They are married, look!"

Corden then made sure Kunis was not upset with his prodding, to which she reportedly replied, "It's fine."

It's fine. She's married, and it's fine.

[image via Getty]