Superman. Batman. The rest. Why aren't any or all of them played by Jon Hamm aka Mr. Don Draper? He looks like a superhero (white, dark hair, suit). People like him. So, why? Why? Why? Why? The actor put our question to rest recently in an interview with Radio Times.

When asked if he had ever offered a superhero role, Hamm responded that he'd "been in contention for quite a few of those" but made the "right decision" to say no:

"The deals that they make [actors] do are so draconian. And, of course, you are signed on for not only the movie that you are signed on for … but at least two more that you haven't read and you have no idea what they are going to be and all the crossover ones you are going to have to do."

So that is why Jon Hamm aka Mr. Don Draper has never been a superhero.

Makes sense, I guess!

[image via Getty]