James Woods Blames "Disgusting Pig" Al Sharpton For NYPD Cop Killing

Actor James Woods took to Twitter Sunday evening to vent about the killing of two New York City police officers by Ismaaiyl Brinsley. He apparently blames the Rev. Al Shaprton, tweeting,"This disgusting pig is DIRECTLY responsible for the murder of two good policemen. No discussion," before eventually deleting the tweet.

And while Woods thought better of the tweet embedded above, he continued to tweet about Sharpton, calling him a "race pimp" and using the hashtag, #PigSharpton.
"I'm putting wings on pigs today" - Cop assassin Ismaaiyl Brinsley. Is Race Pimp Sharpton eating caviar this morning? pic.twitter.com/Szg7QfP7Cx
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 21, 2014
Paul/Sharpton pic just creepy on all levels, and I liked the fatter, greasier #PigSharpton better... pic.twitter.com/0Up02ecplI
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 22, 2014
Woods had been inactive on his Twitter account since September, when he claimed he was signing off the platform for good:
You either recognize the Obama catastrophe or you don't. Hopefully my time on Twitter helped some of you finally see the light. Goodbye, All
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) September 19, 2014
He remerged over weekend to tweet and retweet about the killing of Wenjin Liu and Rafael Ramos in Brooklyn this past Saturday, and his timeline of the past 24 hours is a smattering of pro-cop, anti-Sharpton, anti-de Blasio rhetoric and photos.
New Hashtag: #TurnYourBack EVERY time DeBlasio speaks, EVERY Police Officer in sight should turn his/her back. Especially at Cops' funerals
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 21, 2014
#BlueLivesMatter #TurnYourBack on #RaceHucksters
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 21, 2014
Imagine if the entire #NYPD came down with the #BlueFlu until #DeBlasio was forced to resign. #TurnYourBack #DeBlasioResign
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 21, 2014
Never felt more certain that the Second Amendment is a necessity to protect the Bill of Rights from tyranny.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 21, 2014
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 22, 2014