Meek Mill: Polite Canadian Rapper Drake Doesn't Write His Own Raps
Jay Hathaway · 07/22/15 10:05AM
Meek Mill, Nicki Minaj’s boyfriend but also a rapper with a new album out, accused Canadian teen soap opera star Aubrey “Drake” Graham of rapping raps he didn’t write in an extended Twitter rant Tuesday night. Meek claims the verse Drake contributed to his new album, Dreams Worth More Than Money (out now) was written by someone else, and he wouldn’t have used it if he’d known.
Birdman Allegedly Threw Liquor at Lil Wayne at the Club Sunday Night
Jay Hathaway · 07/13/15 10:47AMLil Wayne and his adopted father/scumbag label boss, Bryan “Birdman” Williams, have been fighting in court for six months over millions of dollars and the release of Wayne’s Tha Carter V. Now they’re apparently fighting in the club, too. Birdman, or someone with him in the VIP section at Miami’s notorious Club LIV, threw a drink on Weezy Sunday night.
James Woods Blames "Disgusting Pig" Al Sharpton For NYPD Cop Killing
Aleksander Chan · 12/22/14 02:13PM
Actor James Woods took to Twitter Sunday evening to vent about the killing of two New York City police officers by Ismaaiyl Brinsley. He apparently blames the Rev. Al Shaprton, tweeting,"This disgusting pig is DIRECTLY responsible for the murder of two good policemen. No discussion," before eventually deleting the tweet.
Read the Insanely Weird Emails This Music Journalist Sent to a Rapper
Beejoli Shah · 09/27/13 04:20PM
Trapper Keeper doodle rapper and oral sex apologist Kitty Pryde is no stranger to controversy—just ask Danny Brown. So when freelance "journalist" M.T. Richards started harassing her over e-mail this past 4th of July, about a story he pretended he was writing, her responses were not only remarkable for their restraint, but also their intelligence.