Trapper Keeper doodle rapper and oral sex apologist Kitty Pryde is no stranger to controversy—just ask Danny Brown. So when freelance "journalist" M.T. Richards started harassing her over e-mail this past 4th of July, about a story he pretended he was writing, her responses were not only remarkable for their restraint, but also their intelligence.

From: M.T. Richards <>
To: Kitty Pryde
Date: July 4, 2013

Hi Katt -

Freelance writer M.T. Richards here. Couple questions:

1) Why do you always seem so impressed with yourself?
2) How much do you make as VICE's Orlando bureau chief? (Hi-liarious work there btw.)
3) Is Danny Brown aware that you exist?
4) Was your side-splittingly novel and quirky last album meant as a refuge from hip-hop made by yucky black people?
5) Who is in your all-time top five other than Chippy Nonstop and the members of Three Loco?


From: Kitty Pryde
To: M.T. Richards <>
Date: July 4, 2013

mtrichardsswag lmfao

who is katt

are u this jealous of my life

Richards then went on to continue e-mailing Pryde—four times in a row, to be exact—despite her lack of reply.

From: M.T. Richards <>
To: Kitty Pryde
Date: July 4, 2013

Ay shawty, I'd expect you to appreciate ironic slang usage.

Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I spent the day stewing in a warm pool of jealousy. I can never hope to be a meta comedy rapper or sexual assault advocate.

Kitty Pryde's career lmfao

From: M.T. Richards <>
To: Kitty Pryde
Date: July 4, 2013

Forget to add that you are the worst rapper alive, hands down. I can't wait until your cutesy mumblecore bullshit stops being fashionable.

From: M.T. Richards <>
To: Kitty Pryde
Date: July 4, 2013

Listening to your Adult Swim song for the first time now...holy fuck are you ever horrible. Try rapping on-beat.

From: M.T. Richards <>
To: Kitty Pryde
Date: July 4, 2013

Also, do you think calling oneself the Adderall Admiral is any less ridiculous than mtricharddswag?

Not to down Danny, he's 4,000,000X more talented than you are.

Kitty finally replied.

From: Kitty Pryde
To: M.T. Richards <>
Date: July 4, 2013

Dang u spent your whole 4th ofjuly sending me emails
U must have been rly bored huh

Sent from the heartcloud

From: M.T. Richards <>
To: Kitty Pryde
Date: July 4, 2013

If your publicist(s) knew that I was depraved and misspent my holidays, do you think they would stop requesting Kitty Pryde coverage from me? I mean how could I be trusted to deliver quality journalism in such a state?

In truth I spent an accumulative total of 15 minutes "firing off" those emails and wasn't bored so much as searingly jealous (and also drunk), like we talked about before. I'm your age but VICE magazine has yet to champion me for rapping like I am under anesthesia, so I get pretty down on myself.

I assume the heartcloud is where all the kooky attention-grabbingly dressed white children coalesce in Greenpoint.

From: Kitty Pryde
To: M.T. Richards <>
Date: July 4, 2013

Do these endless emails have a purpose or do you just have a lot of time to waste on sending negative messages to a person you have no obligation to ever encounter

From: M.T. Richards <>
To: Kitty Pryde
Date: July 4, 2013

Dunno, Biz 3 seems to feel that us encountering via a formal interview is paramount.

I don't find your condescendion becoming (you're treating me meme!), so I think I will stop now. Thanks for trying to kick the shit I needa learn doe.

From: Kitty Pryde
To: M.T. Richards <>
Date: July 4, 2013

Don't worry, I will make sure they are informed of your...........feelings

I wish you only the best. I know it's hard to feel accomplished in the freelance world. It is easy to lose your identity, and I know this is probably an attempt at standing out for whatever controversy you can stir. I hope you find it somewhere more constructive.

From: M.T. Richards <>
To: Kitty Pryde
Date: July 4, 2013

Cool, let them know that my feelings also apply to Riff Raff and Le1f and Iggy Whatever and all the other ones.

Where do you get that this has anything to do with my shaken sense of accomplishment or desire to "carve out an identity?" I wouldn't have emailed you privately if I was looking to stir up a wider controversy and become an internet lightening rod.

I was having fun B, read whatever you want into that.

Not only is Richards' grasp on what constitutes a 'meme' shaky at best, so is his grasp on being asked to write a story. Every publication Richards has freelanced for has denied ever asking him to write a story on Pryde. Weird.

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[Image via Facebook]