Meek Mill: Polite Canadian Rapper Drake Doesn't Write His Own Raps

Meek Mill, Nicki Minaj’s boyfriend but also a rapper with a new album out, accused Canadian teen soap opera star Aubrey “Drake” Graham of rapping raps he didn’t write in an extended Twitter rant Tuesday night. Meek claims the verse Drake contributed to his new album, Dreams Worth More Than Money (out now) was written by someone else, and he wouldn’t have used it if he’d known.
Stop comparing drake to me too.... He don't write his own raps! That's why he ain't tweet my album because we found out! 😁
July 22, 2015
He ain't even write that verse on my album and if I woulda knew I woulda took it off my album..... I don't trick my fans! Lol
July 22, 2015
Drake has always been publicly supportive of Meek Mill, bringing him on tour and frequently rocking a Free Meek Mill shirt at shows while Meek was in jail. Why would he suddenly turn on Drizzy and spill what he claims is an open secret in the industry? Perhaps it has something to do with Drake failing to promote Meek’s new album, the one with his allegedly ghostwritten guest verse. Did Meek mention he has a new album out? Dreams Worth More Than Money, on sale now.
There could also be some bad blood because of Drake’s close friendship with Nicki Minaj, whom he’s repeatedly said he would marry and from whom he once got an awkward public boner while Meek was locked up.
Guess we’ll never know. Not like we know Meek Mill’s Dreams Worth More Than Money is on iTunes, Spotify, and even Tidal right now.
[Photo: AP Images]