Nicki Minaj Gets the Final Word on Miley Cyrus Feud
Rich Juzwiak · 10/07/15 10:41AM
In the latest issue of the New York Times magazine, Nicki Minaj says something extremely well-reasoned regarding Miley Cyrus’s engagement with black culture. It is pointed and specific without getting unfairly personal or malicious. All internet thinkpieces should strive for its tone and succinctness. In fact, it is, in a paragraph, the ultimate internet thinkpiece:
Nicki Minaj Not Pregnant, Just Enjoys Calling People "Baby Father"
Jay Hathaway · 08/10/15 02:13PM
Nicki Minaj, currently letting boyfriend Meek Mill tag along on her world tour (whenever he’s not busy with his job as the punching bag at Drake’s home gym), sparked rumors that she’s also letting Meek’s baby tag along in her uterus when she called him her “baby father” at a show over the weekend. But Nicki was just kidding, according to TMZ, which reports she often lovingly refers to her closest dudes as “baby father.”
Taylor Swift Apologized
Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/23/15 11:15AMLet Me Explain This Katy Perry Tweet to You
Caity Weaver · 07/22/15 05:25PMMeek Mill: Polite Canadian Rapper Drake Doesn't Write His Own Raps
Jay Hathaway · 07/22/15 10:05AM
Meek Mill, Nicki Minaj’s boyfriend but also a rapper with a new album out, accused Canadian teen soap opera star Aubrey “Drake” Graham of rapping raps he didn’t write in an extended Twitter rant Tuesday night. Meek claims the verse Drake contributed to his new album, Dreams Worth More Than Money (out now) was written by someone else, and he wouldn’t have used it if he’d known.
Congrats On Getting Engaged, Iggy, But Your Ring Looks Mad Familiar...
Dayna Evans · 06/02/15 09:20AMHere's a Sweet Story About Meek Mill Pwetending to Kill the Wabbit
Dayna Evans · 05/26/15 02:55PMNicki Minaj and Beyoncé Attempt to Live Like Normal Humans in New Video
Jordan Sargent · 05/18/15 06:43PMThis Is The Horniest Photo of All Time
Dayna Evans · 04/27/15 11:10AMAre Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill Engaged? Here's What We Know
Dayna Evans · 04/15/15 05:10PM
Nicki Minaj, a rapper and boss, may be engaged to Philadelphia native and rapper Meek Mill. This will be a huge win for the city of Philadelphia, as well as for Mill (AKA Robert Williams), who is 27 and seems really nice! But is it true or is Nicki just fucking with us? Let's investigate the evidence.
Nicki Minaj Doesn't Care If Your Brand is On Fleek
Dayna Evans · 03/11/15 03:40PMNicki Minaj Cuddles Up to Meek Mill, Fuels Dating Rumors
Dayna Evans · 01/12/15 11:14AM
Nicki Minaj, god of rap, was spotted in Philadelphia on Friday night, visiting who is speculated to be her new boyfriend, rapper Meek Mill. An adorable photograph shared to Rick Ross's Instagram shows joyful cuddling between the two. Mazel tov, Nicki and Meek, if the rumors are indeed true! You're both so beautiful and talented.