In an interview with The Mirror published Sunday, Kristen Stewart’s mother Jules confirmed what the tabloids have been speculating for months: Stewart, last linked to fellow vampire Robert Pattinson, is now dating her personal assistant Alicia Cargile. “I’ve met Kristen’s new girlfriend, I like her. What’s not to accept? She’s a lovely girl,” Jules said in the interview with contributor Sharon Feinstein.

Except now Jules is claiming that the Mirror completely fabricated her glowing praise of her daughter’s apparent paramour.

Though the quotes in the interview about Stewart and her love life are extensive and direct—Jules says, “What’s not to be accepting about her now having a girlfriend? She’s happy” and “I accept my daughter loves women and men”—Jules told Us Weekly yesterday that she never mentioned Kristen in the interview at all. “Never ever!”

“I spoke to Sharon Feinstein about my film K-11 that has been put on display in the Hollywood Museum,” Jules claimed. “It’s currently there under the LGBT banner on the third floor. She also asked me about my views on gay rights, which I was happy to express. Then we talked briefly about the fundraiser I am hosting for Never ever did we discuss Kristen!”

Jules did admit, however, that she called Cargile a “lovely girl” (without explaining, of course, how she discussed Stewart’s personal assistant but not Stewart). “I said, ‘Yes, she’s a lovely girl,” she allowed.

After Us Weekly ran Jules’ denial, Sharon Feinstein took to Twitter to defend herself. “I intend to load my tape of the interview I did with Kristen Stewart’s mother Jules in two clips,” she wrote. “Watch this space.”

Her enthusiasm was soon tampered by technical difficulties and the late hour, however.

And today, Sharon failed to produce the receipts, intimating that the Mirror forbid her from doing so.

In a statement on her blog, Sharon wrote:

I am aware that Ms Jules Stewart has stated that her interview with me has been used out of context, that she never discussed her daughter or her daughter’s relationship. That is simply incorrect.I have reported the story as discussed and memorialized during our lengthly and cordial formal interview, which took place on Thursday 11th June. I am disappointed and saddened by her statements to the contrary This was a very positive story and one told by a loving parent. Any statements to the contrary are simply not supported and not true.

Reached by email, Feinstein declined to comment further.

The Mirror has not (yet) taken down the interview or the quotes in question, so one remaining question is: If the paper is standing by the story, why not publish the audio? (Perhaps because it’s more valuable to the paper unpublished?)

Curiouser still is why Jules chose to deny the whole thing to Us Weekly—the same tabloid that published those infamous photos of Kristen cheating on Rob back in 2012.

Kristen hasn’t commented on any of it—the interview or her alleged lesbian relationship. If you have any idea what the Mirror is planning to do with Feinstein’s audio, drop me a line.

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