Martha Stewart Can't Figure Out Why Apple Won't Fetch Her Broken iPad

Last night, amidst crafting a candy corn bird feeder out of an old nylon and a used high heel, your favorite WASP-y drunk Aunt Martha got to tweetin'.
I just dropped my iPad on the ground and shattered two glass corners. What to do?does one call Apple to come and pick it up or do I take it?
— Martha Stewart (@MarthaStewart) September 25, 2013
Lol, AUNT MARTHA. Of course you have to take it into the Genius Bar! Did you buy Apple Care?
Unfortunately, things did not get better this morning.
I am still waiting for an apple rep to come pick up my IPad. No action yey
— Martha Stewart (@MarthaStewart) September 26, 2013
While there is a small chance that given her one other typo laden tweet this morning, Stewart was hacked, her delightfully insane Twitter history does prove otherwise:
Drinks at jean Georges with buzzy may have been more than a first date. I will keep you informed
— Martha Stewart (@MarthaStewart) August 22, 2013
Michael cera actually served me sake in a paper cup. How hospitable
— Martha Stewart (@MarthaStewart) July 8, 2013
So what are you waiting for Apple Store? A Martha Stewart Living article on how to turn broken iPad glass into a wall mosaic? Don't keep Aunt Martha waiting.
[Image via Getty]