Chris Brown, Patron Saint of Beyond Lost Causes, wants you to know he understands what it’s like to be poor. He wants you to know he understands how much it sucks to only have one pair of sneakers to wear to school each year. He wants you to know he feels the shame involved in borrowing clothes from cousins. Really, he really wants you to know this.

Spending the weekend handing out shoes for disadvantaged youth in South Los Angeles is, like most announcements made by the Chris Brown for Chris Brown PR Team, a Twitter event. Because he really cares about that second pair of shoes, Brown launched his WE US: Walk Everywhere in Unity’s Shoes campaign with Reebok at local high schools on Saturday and Sunday. Brown and his flock, Team Breezy, want you to know that “whenever & wherever we walk, we are a united community!”

In case you are scared you are walking alone and need to be reminded he is with you—that he’s carrying you with his shoes—please see the news stories he both RT’d and tweeted about his charity events. After you read those, then know he also wants to thank you, all of you, for allowing him “to continue to inspire change in the world.” Yes, continuing to inspire.

In other world changing news, Brown is “very disappointed” in Rihanna for dissing him online.

[Image via Getty]