"Paris Hilton." The words bring to mind certain images: french fries, hamburgers, chicken nuggets, Whoppers, Big Macs, chicken sandwiches, remember chicken fries?, coffee in thick styrofoam. But not anymore. The known person has given up fast food, and you won't believe how she can feel the difference.

Andy Warhol famously said, "They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." No one understands that more thoroughly than Paris Hilton, who recently spoke to the Daily Mail:

"I lost about five pounds just from staying away from the Drive-Thrus," the blonde, whose new single Come Alive debuted on Tuesday, told MailOnline exclusively.

There's a sadness that comes with the calluses you build against the sting of change. Of course, survival would be difficult if everything stung like the first time you heard a celebrity had given up eating fast food, but—gosh, did we ever feel so deeply? Paris Hilton can feel the difference, especially when she's in a bathing suit.

"I can feel the difference especially when I'm in a bathing suit."

Though by now we know the deal—things change, things change, things change—we still cling to anything recognizable. We keep her perfume. We browse what was his favorite bookstore. We hang a framed section of old wallpaper.

"I used to eat that way, but I decided to change things this year," she said. "Now I don't do that. There are times when I will stop at a Carl's Jr, but I will maybe get a turkey burger or something healthier instead of a cheeseburger and fries. I am more careful now."

Of course, there are times when she'll stop at, oh, I don't know, Carl's Jr., but otherwise Paris Hilton, as we knew her, is dead.

Long live Paris Hilton.

[image via Getty, h/t Celebitchy]