At least 37 civilians were killed this morning in Syria's second car bombing in two days. On Tuesday night, ISIS militants—after capturing major Iraqi cities Mosul, Tikrit, and Tal Afarattacked and set on fire Iraq's largest oil refinery. In Hollywood, Taylor Swift just refuses to go on a date with Orlando Bloom.

What's a guy gotta do to get a date with Taylor Swift? Bombard her with text messages? And phone calls? Begging her for a date? Apparently it's not that easy, according to the National Enquirer:

"Orlando has been bombarding Taylor with text messages and phone calls, begging her for a date," reveals a pal of Taylor Swift. "But she's been playing hard to get. She's flattered because she thinks Orlando is so sexy and, in normal circumstances, she would leap at the chance."

What are the abnormal circumstances, though? (The Iraq stuff?)

But Taylor is concerned that dating Orlando would destroy her friendships with Selena Gomez and Miranda Kerr, and is worried about being involved in a rebound romance.


"She's looking for a serious relationship. She doesn't want to be just another notch on his belt. Taylor knows that Selena is nuts about Orlando and wants to have a real relationship with him. Yet all he seems to want to do is ask her about Taylor!"

Wait, how did that last bit of gossip work its way to Taylor's pal? Selena told a source, who told Taylor, who then told her pal? Seems like a long way to go, but I guess that's what friends (sources) are for.

I just hope these two beautiful kids can work it out.

[image via Getty]