Did you recently lose a $4,700 check? Don't fret: New York City's own Carrie Bradshaw found it for you, right on the streets of the Big Apple. That's what I call a miracle on 34th street—time for a Cosmo!

According to TMZ, actress and shoe designer Sarah Jessica Parker "was walking in the West Village last week when she looked down and saw the check laying on the sidewalk. She had the name of the payee and did some serious Googling and tracked down their address. And get this. Sarah's been trying to contact the payee but he or she isn't home. She says she'll keep trying." Hear that? If you're out there, Carrie's trying to get in touch. She's got your check—now you can get those Manolos!

In other news, Carrie and the gang have been hinting back and forth on Twitter that Sex and the City 3: The Apocalypse is in the works.

Now that's exciting for everyone.

[Photo via Getty]