Last night, TMZ posted a story claiming—based on a statement from the Beverly Hills Police Department—former Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland was in jail after stealing razors from a CVS with a bunch of meth in his pockets. Turns out it was just some other guy, though. Whoops!

Last night's now-updated TMZ story seemed pretty damning for Weiland, claiming he told cops "I'm Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots." Who would say that other than Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots?

When a security guard tried stopping him, Scott breezed out, but not for long. Cops nabbed him down the block, searched him and found what they say was methamphetamine.

We're also told Scott pulled the celeb card, telling cops, "I'm Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots."

It didn't work. He's been in jail the last 4 weeks on $95,000 bond.

BTW … as for why the charge was burglary instead of simple theft … cops say he entered with the intent of stealing, and their proof is that he carried an "insulated" bag which prevents censors from going off.

Turns out, though, that saying the phrase "I'm Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots" is not physically exclusive to Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots. Try it out yourself if you don't believe me! TMZ updated their story after Scott Weiland himself posted a Facebook video from not-jail. From TMZ:

We then called the Sheriff's Dept. back but they were unwavering, telling us they did a "physical check" on the inmate and insisted Scott "was definitely in custody."

Oops. The BHPD got back to us late Thursday night and said they made a BIG mistake ... the inmate is actually a 44-year-old guy named Jason Michael Hurley. They discovered it through belated FBI fingerprint analysis, even though he's been locked up since July 26.

Oops. So, uh. If you get arrested, say you're Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots, I guess? It'll work for nearly a month!

[image via Getty]