Breakdowns: Aaron Paul Can Pick A Bitch With Just One of His Senses
Beejoli Shah · 09/19/13 12:23PMBreakdowns: Spike Lee Took All Your Money For No Reason Whatsoever
Beejoli Shah · 09/18/13 09:00AMBreakdowns: Mark Wahlberg Graduates High School With The Class of 2013
Beejoli Shah · 09/17/13 03:49PMBREAKDOWNS: PETA and Katy Perry's Boobs Are No Longer BFFs
Beejoli Shah · 09/16/13 11:52AMBreakdowns: Is "Jewish Hunger Games: Kvetching Fire" a Good Idea?
Beejoli Shah · 09/13/13 09:29AM
Nicole Kidman got knocked down but she got up again cuz you ain't never gonna keep her down; The CW was already (no sarcasm here) stretching the bounds of enjoyable and emotional programming (looking at you Hart of Dixie!) and now is fantastically tackling being a transgender teen; Jew thinks making fun of Jew things is okay because he's a Jew.
Breakdowns: J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros Are Teaming Up For More Magic
Beejoli Shah · 09/12/13 08:40AMBreakdowns: Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon Are Officially Annoying
Beejoli Shah · 09/11/13 09:40AMPoor fans of Nirvana (okay, so just Courtney Love), today is your lucky day; bitches be fightin' over at Universal; and Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon have reached the point of oversaturation.
Breakdowns: Deadline Continues To Stretch The Bounds of Journalism
Beejoli Shah · 09/10/13 09:33AM
Demi Lovato is poised to write the next Great American Novel, 140 characters at a time; John Grisham's oeuvre is taking its act from just Hudson News bookstores in airports across America to The Great White Way; and as always, nobody thinks more highly of Mike Fleming Jr. at Deadline than, well, Mike Fleming Jr.
Breakdowns: Miley Cyrus Performed With Little People Because Why Not
Beejoli Shah · 09/09/13 09:41AMIt's Monday and everything is awful. More people are trying to use Finn Hudson's death for good PR, shitty agencies are getting fired by shitty clients who haven't been relevant in years, Miley is just ughhhhh can't, but luckily Bruno Mars will save us all come January.
Breakdowns: Cher Horowitz Was Almost Angela Chase on My So-Called Life
Beejoli Shah · 09/05/13 12:53PMBreakdowns: Zac Efron Proves Off-Campus Housing Is A Nightmare
Beejoli Shah · 09/03/13 12:16PMSeth Rogen and Rose Byrne have crappy neighbors; you can now go back to watching The Big Bang Theory but pretend you're only excited for football; and thank God, because the Labor Day box office was so crappy, One Direction almost took the top spot.