
Andrew Garfield Released From Money Prison

Allie Jones · 09/01/15 10:06AM

The actor Andrew Garfield, who is dating Emma Stone (confirmed: paparazzi spotted them at lunch this weekend—see for yourself), played the Amazing Spider-Man in the The Amazing Spider-Man in 2012 and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in 2014. Was this a fun and lucrative opportunity for Andrew Garfield? Only the second thing.

Cameron Crowe Is Real, Real Sorry You Didn't Buy Emma Stone as Asian

Jay Hathaway · 06/03/15 11:13AM

Critics agree: Aloha is the worst film Cameron Crowe has ever made (reminder: Cameron Crowe made We Bought a Zoo). Sony Pictures exec Amy Pascal infamously wrote in a leaked email that “It never … Not even once … ever works.” But the least workable thing, according to Cameron Crowe, is that you got mad when he cast the translucently white Emma Stone as a woman who’s a quarter Asian. Cameron Crowe is sorry you were offended.

Emma Stone Wears Her Heart On a Paper Bag

Allie Jones · 04/30/15 12:32PM

Three agonizing weeks ago, we learned the terrible (possible) truth that Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield are taking a break from their relationship. We thought we knew it all, then—Us Weekly reported the pair was fighting “a lot” and hadn’t seen each other recently. But as with everything in Hollywood, the more you think you know, the more you see Emma Stone walking around carrying a bag with Andrew Garfield’s name on it.

Oh God the Trailer for the New Creepy Woody Allen Movie Is Here 

Aleksander Chan · 04/29/15 02:01PM

Woody Allen, still standing accused of sexually abusing his adoptive daughter, still making movies with Academy Award nominees. In his next film, Irrational Man, Emma Stone, his latest muse/obsession, plays a college student who falls for her professor (Joaquin Phoenix). Gotta love those relevant power dynamics.

Remember When Emma Stone Sang "Bitch" on a Partridge Family Reality Show?

Rich Juzwiak · 02/19/15 10:30AM

The 20 stars nominated for Academy Awards this year represent some of the most talented (or, anyway, famous) actors on screen today. At one point, however, they were slack-jawed, blank-eyed, no-name novices. They’d probably like to forget their often humiliating early work, but thanks to the magic of technology, they can never escape it. From Ed Norton’s educational ESL VHS to Emma Stone’s completely mortifying renditions of pop songs on an American Idol knock-off show, so much of the early work of these nominees is jaw-droppingly bad.