Taylor Swift in New Video: I'm a Ghost!
Jordan Sargent · 02/13/15 12:05PMTaylor Swift haunts her friends, constructing dioramas of their lives in the rooms of her apartment. Taylor Swift haunts her fans, drawing them to her home and then peering at them secretly from inside her bathroom. Taylor Swift haunts the internet, pre-registering insane URLs nobody understands. And in the video for her new single "Style," she haunts a poor actor who probably thought he was signing up to kiss Taylor Swift or something.
Katie Holmes' Clothes Died
Caity Weaver · 01/27/15 04:50PMAHHHH: Natalie Wood's Ghost Possibly Haunting Her Former Boat
Kelly Conaboy · 10/30/14 09:48AM
The investigation into Natalie Wood's death was reopened in 2011, and in 2012 her death certificate was amended to list her cause of death as "drowning and other undetermined factors." The "undetermined factors" (Robert Wagner, Christopher Walken) still have yet to be determined, mostly because police have yet to question her ghost. She lives on her boat, guys, hello!