Canadian Nightclub Owner Excited to Get Kylie Jenner Drunk on 18th B-Day
Allie Jones · 07/30/15 11:50AM
World-weary 17-year-old Kylie Jenner, who recently celebrated her graduation from online high school with a party that may or may not have been covered in cocaine, has a big birthday coming up. Know who’s excited? The Canadian entrepreneur who’s hosting her **OFFICIAL LEGAL (IN CANADA) TEEN ALCOHOL PARTY ;)** at his nightclub.
500 Days of Kristin, Day 180: Look at All This Shit
Allie Jones · 07/24/15 10:40AM
Kristin Cavallari, a woman who does not eat egg whites, additives, “parabins,” or most shrimp (unless she knows where the shrimp is coming from), must consume something to survive. But what? Last year, the blog “The Skinny Confidential” helpfully compiled a list of things Kristin has admitted to eating (in writing).
500 Days of Kristin, Day 163: Kristin Is a Plagiarist
Allie Jones · 07/07/15 04:13PM500 Days of Kristin, Day 150: No Offense Kristin Is Not Worth $2.99
Allie Jones · 06/24/15 04:45PM
Since 2014, Kristin Cavallari has occasionally updated the Official Kristin Cavallari App for iPhone and Android with nonsensical items like “Best Bathing Suit For Different Body Types” and “The Secrets of Bone Broth,” which is her right as an American citizen. She has generously provided these semi-coherent musings free of charge...
Robin Thicke and His 20-Year-Old Girlfriend Accidentally Fed Dog Weed
Allie Jones · 05/18/15 08:30AM
TMZ reports that Robin Thicke’s dog—named Bincy; bought for his 20-year-old girlfriend—has gone to the hospital twice now for accidentally ingesting weed. On her private Twitter account, girlfriend April Love Geary reportedly blamed the incidents on Thicke: “Some falls on the ground or she sits by him smoking and just inhales it hahaha.”