Allie Jones · 07/07/15 01:24PM
From former Gawker writer Maureen O’Connor, here is a perfect interview with Rob Shuter, the celebrity PR guy who handled Ben Affleck’s last breakup (with the other Jen). Shuter spills the tea about all his former clients, including Jessica Simpson, who he says dated the biggest publicity whore of all: John Mayer.
Is Jessica Simpson's Husband Aware That This Is a Nice Restaurant?
Allie Jones · 02/18/15 09:24AM
Longtime face of the Jessica Simpson Collection® Jessica Simpson has been sharing much of her married life with the public lately. This weekend, she displayed an otherwise private moment of consensual spanking on Instagram, and last night, she posted the above photo of another date night with her husband, former NFL tight end Eric Johnson.
Jessica Simpson Gets Spanked In Bizarre Homemade "50 Shades" Photo Shoot
Allie Jones · 02/16/15 09:38AM
The above photo is one of three that mother and designer of the Jessica Simpson Collection® Jessica Simpson posted during the wee hours of Sunday morning, presumably after watching Fifty Shades of Grey at the Regency Valley Plaza 6 with her husband, former NFL tight end Eric Johnson. She captioned the photo, "V-Day #FIFTYSHADESOFJOHNSON."