500 Days of Kristin, Day 185: Did Kristin Make Less Money Than Audrina?
Allie Jones · 07/29/15 02:12PM
On September 29, 2009, The Daily Beast released a blockbuster report that shook our nation to its core. With its publication, previously guarded information became public to American citizens for the first time: the (inflated) salaries of the women and men then starring on MTV’s reality TV dramedy The Hills.
Sumner Redstone's Driver Says His Boss Spent $1 Million on Kept Women
Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/16/15 10:50AM
Sumner Redstone’s ex-driver might be cautious on the road, but when it comes to his billionaire boss’s alleged secrets, he’s spilling everywhere and making a huge PR mess. Case-in-point: this Hollywood Reporter story where he claims he delivered at least $1 million in cash to Redstone’s stable of kept women.
Michael Jackson's Corpse Has Made $2 Billion
Jordan Sargent · 06/25/15 03:50PM
Michael Jackson died six years ago today. In the 2,191 days since he overdosed on medicine administered to him by his weird and gross personal doctor Conrad Murray, Jackson has, in death, generated an almost unimaginable amount of money for various corporations, creditors and his reptile-loving children.
Ultra-Millionaire Les Moonves Won't Tip Valet Because He Only Has $100's
Sam Biddle · 06/01/15 10:39AMTaylor Swift Has No Concept of Money
Andy Cush · 03/02/15 12:10PMMean Judge Forces Justin Bieber to Fly Commercial to Miami Hearing
Allie Jones · 02/13/15 09:44AM
Mr. McPissy Boy Justin Bieber, who is working on being less "arrogant and conceited," will humble himself once again by flying commercial instead of private to a judicial hearing in Miami on March 20. According to TMZ, Bieber tried to get out of the hearing by claiming it would be too expensive to fly his private jet there.