Sony Leak: Nikki Finke Is a "Pathetic, Hateful Person"
Sam Biddle · 12/11/14 04:00PMNikki Finke Has Killed
Jordan Sargent · 08/29/14 01:24PMThese Are, Apparently, the First Nikki Finke Photos in Decades
Jordan Sargent · 08/27/14 11:36AMBack in 2009, Defamer offered $1,000 for new pictures of Nikki Finke, the then-powerful, much-feared Hollywood blogger who hadn't been photographed in God knows how long. Two years later, The Daily published what it claimed—but what Finke denied—were photographs of the mysterious writer. But now, finally (?) we have our prize: A series of paparazzi-style photos purported to be of Finke walking to her car, posted yesterday to a website with the URL
Read Nikki Finke's Predictably Absurd and Scathing Comeback Letter
Jordan Sargent · 06/12/14 01:36PMBreakdowns: Funny Or Die's Deadline: The Movie Trailer Is Perfection
Beejoli Shah · 12/02/13 01:55PMJay Penske Is Taking Nikki Finke To Arbitration
Beejoli Shah · 11/19/13 02:44PMDeadline Has Brought Reporter Anita Busch Out Of Retirement
Beejoli Shah · 11/14/13 02:56PMNikki Finke Responds To Her Deadline Departure
Beejoli Shah · 11/05/13 10:30PM
The ongoing battle between PMC's Jay Penske and Deadline's Nikki Finke started with a bang and is now ending with a whimper, as Finke is finally out of the motor oil heir's slippery clutches. Finke shared with me that while she's happy to be free from Deadline, she is sad over the way the separation played out, and offered parting thoughts on Penske, Deadline film editor Mike Fleming Jr., and the fact that at one point, she offered to quit online blogging entirely.
Beejoli Shah · 10/31/13 01:51PM
Vanity Fair has joined the Nikki Finke Watch with new-ish allegations: that investor Dan Loeb, who helped Deadline owner Jay Penske finance the purchase of Variety in 2012, was one of the driving forces who wanted Penske to muzzle Finke—particularly after she wrote two nasty missives about him this summer.
Mike Fleming Brutally Maligns Nikki Finke In The Battle For Deadline
Beejoli Shah · 10/25/13 08:08PM
Tired as we all may be about seeing the words Nikki Finke and Deadline appear on this website today, Deadline's Mike Fleming Jr. has shot back at Finke. In a mildly interesting but slightly expected turn of events, Fleming sells his boss down the river in his latest blog post, proving that good friends do indeed stab you in the front. Who knew that Finke would come out as today's winner in the battle for the moral high ground?
"Nikki Finke Locked Out of Deadline," Nikki Finke Writes on Deadline
Beejoli Shah · 10/25/13 02:58PMDeadline's Nikki Finke On Jay Penske: He "Owns Me Like I'm His Slave"
Beejoli Shah · 10/24/13 10:56PM
Nikki Finke is not leaving Deadline quietly. In fact, according to my exclusive conversation with her on Thursday night, she's leaving amidst a litany of accusations ranging from boredom to slavery. According to Finke, "[Penske] owns me like I'm his slave" and has been harassing her. She goes on to say that the current iteration of Deadline is "bland and boring," and that Penske's working conditions are "breaking federal and state law."
Nikki Finke Out At Deadline By The New Year, Launching Her Own Website
Beejoli Shah · 10/24/13 08:48PMIs Mike Fleming The New Editor of Deadline?
Beejoli Shah · 10/08/13 06:34PM
In a 1583 word soliloquy, Deadline's film editor Mike Fleming announced today that he will be stepping up his role at the troubled e-trade, and will officially be spending half a year in Los Angeles and the remainder at his Long Island home. But does this mean he's being groomed to replace editor-in-chief, Nikki Finke?
Nikki Finke Apparently Does Not Believe in Competition
Beejoli Shah · 09/19/13 06:09PM
Swirling tornado of anger Nikki Finke has openly declared war on current boss Jay Penske in her continued efforts to finagle Deadline Hollywood back from Penske's PMC. Mind you, this is but a mere two weeks after she told The Wall Street Journal, "I have confidence that no matter what happens, Jay and I can reach an amicable solution to all of this."
Breakdowns: Breaking Bad Wants to Carve Out Your Vertebrae
Beejoli Shah · 09/06/13 12:12PMNIkki Finke Is Indeed Looking to Take Deadline Back From Jay Penske
Beejoli Shah · 09/06/13 12:52AMDeadline Hollywood Plays It Fast and Loose With the Term 'Exclusive'
Beejoli Shah · 09/02/13 01:44PMNikki Finke Blackballs FX's President for Fraternizing With the Enemy
Beejoli Shah · 08/26/13 12:32PM
In today's episode of Hollywood Dance Moms, the feud between Deadline's Nikki Finke (Abby Lee, natch) and The Wrap's Sharon Waxman (sucks to be Cathy) goes for another round: this time over Waxman's upcoming annual conference on the intersection of journalism, entertainment, and technology, TheGrill. FX's president is scheduled to speak there, a transgression that has earned his network a coverage ban in Finke's