Justin Bieber Flexes Possibly Photoshopped Muscles on Men's Health Cover
Allie Jones · 03/04/15 02:44PM
After unretouched images from Justin Bieber's now-infamous Calvin Klein ads leaked online earlier this year, JB went into full crisis mode, calling on his personal trainer to attest to the claim that his muscles, and also his penis, are real, and real big. What next, other than a shirtless shot for the cover of Men's Health?
True Detective Season Two: How Big Is Justin Bieber's Penis?
Jordan Sargent · 01/14/15 01:00PMUnretouched Photos: Calvin Klein Gave Justin Bieber a Penis Enlargement
Allie Jones · 01/09/15 08:40AMCalvin Klein Photoshopped Hair Onto Justin Bieber's Hairless Body
Kelly Conaboy · 01/08/15 11:50AM
The release of Justin Bieber's Calvin Klein campaign earlier this week brought with it an unexpected and upsetting question for many across the world—some of them employees of this very blog: Is Justin Bieber actually kind of hot? Thanks to an unretouched photo obtained by TMZ, we can all breathe a sigh of relief.