Breakdowns: Everyone Quit Watching TV, Perez Hilton Is Getting A Show
Beejoli Shah · 12/04/13 01:59PMBreakdowns: George Lucas' First Directing Paycheck Was Just $2500
Beejoli Shah · 10/18/13 12:01PM
George Lucas' first directing paycheck is almost a tenth of a percent of his current one; Bryan Cranston is funny in a "you had to be there" kind of way; Paula Deen's portrait was hung at a Food Network event last night, and not just to be burned in effigy; Dreamworks is taking a page out of the Universal playbook and developing a crappy movie based on a cheap toy.
Breakdowns: Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon Are Officially Annoying
Beejoli Shah · 09/11/13 09:40AMPoor fans of Nirvana (okay, so just Courtney Love), today is your lucky day; bitches be fightin' over at Universal; and Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon have reached the point of oversaturation.