Calvin Klein Photoshopped Hair Onto Justin Bieber's Hairless Body
Kelly Conaboy · 01/08/15 11:50AM
The release of Justin Bieber's Calvin Klein campaign earlier this week brought with it an unexpected and upsetting question for many across the world—some of them employees of this very blog: Is Justin Bieber actually kind of hot? Thanks to an unretouched photo obtained by TMZ, we can all breathe a sigh of relief.
Rex Reed Did Not Get David Wain's They Came Together
Kelly Conaboy · 06/26/14 04:07PM
Rex Reed, critic seemingly created for the sole purpose of blog posts, recently saw and reviewed David Wain's new rom-com parody They Came Together. He did not like it! Or, it seems, understand what it was! Though he asserts the fact that the movie is a spoof at the top of his review, he appears to then...forget?
BBC Apologizes for Game of Thrones "No Nudity" Alert
Kelly Conaboy · 06/25/14 11:09AMReporter Has No Idea He's Interviewing Bob Odenkirk About Fargo
Kelly Conaboy · 06/13/14 08:54AMGlobal News reporter Gil Tucker was doing man-on-the-street interviews in Calgary about a new production in town called Fargo when he was able to grab one of the stars of the FX show, Bob Odenkirk. A lucky coincidence, if only he had absolutely any idea who Bob Odenkirk was. Whoops!