BBC Apologizes for Game of Thrones "No Nudity" Alert

The BBC has issued an apology after sending a breaking news push notification to BBC News app users, informing them that there was "no nudity in the latest episode of Game of Thrones!!!"
Here is a screenshot of the—perfectly reasonable, I think, save for the clutter around the news—push notification:

Could have been worse! ("MORE BREAKING NEWS B=====D~~~ penis penis penis!!") Here's the apology tweet from the BBC:
Re two incorrect @BBCNews push notifications sent earlier. This was result of a testing error. The account has not been hacked.
— BBC Press Office (@bbcpress) June 25, 2014
According to the BBC, a spokesman issued a statement saying:
"We've been in the process of testing new functionality for our apps and a test message was sent in error this morning.
We apologise to our app users who were unnecessarily interrupted with the alert."
The alert was sent to millions of subscribers.