[There was a video here]

Calling all moms: Kirk Cameron, the Lord's favorite Growing Pains actor, has a message for you this Christmas.

Take a look. No really, take a look.

Kirk Cameron took to his pulpit on Facebook Tuesday to remind moms what they really want and need for Christmas: a video from Kirk Cameron on the importance of keeping house.

A video just for you. A video about how, no matter how terrible you feel, how stressful Christmas can be, you have to nut up for your kids. Decorate the house, cook some goddamn food, sing songs, tell stories, and most of all, invite the whole fucking neighborhood in your house (to eat some food), because a kept home is meant to be shared—and be shared joyfully:

If you are a mom, if you are a wife, if you're the keeper of your home, I want you to know that your joy is so important this Christmas. Because Christmas is about joy and if the joy of the Lord is your strength, remember, the joy of the mom is her children's strength. So don't let anything steal your joy. If you let your joy get stolen, it will sap your strength. Let your children, your family, see your joy in the way that you decorate your home this Christmas, in the food that you cook, the songs you sing, the stories you tell, and the traditions that you keep. Invite your whole neighborhood into your Christmas, and invite the world into our story of our king and his kingdom. Join me and go see Saving Christmas November 14.

And don't forget, when you're done telling stories, you have Kirk Cameron's permission to leave the house (just this once!) to see Saving Christmas. Hallelujah.